2023: The Year of Jane Austen

I talked about my attempt to finish reading all of Jane Austen’s books a bit in my last post, and how 2023 is going to be my new Year of Jane. This year, I plan to read all of Jane Austens works, including rereading my old favorites, as well as some of her lesser-known and unfinished works. There are roughly enough to fill in a whole year if I pick one book a month. So here is a rough sketch of my yearly plan, though it may shift a bit here is my generalized reading schedule. And if you would like to join along for discussions and group reads, come join the Jane Austen Book Club today!

January: Pride and Prejudice

February: Sense and Sensibility

March: Sandition *season 3 of Sanditon premieres March 19

April: Emma

May: Mansfield Park

June: Love and Friendship

July: Lady Susan

August: Persuasion

September: The Watsons

October: Northanger Abbey and The Mysteries of Udolpho

November: Poems

December: Fanny Burney’s CamillaCecelia and Evelina, or Maria Edgeworth’s Belinda (all of which were some of Jane Austen’s favorite books)

Join my Jane Austen Book Club HERE!

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